Friday, December 27, 2013

Honor Christmas in my heart

Luke 24 tells a story of two apostles walking on Emmaus road
soon after Christs resurrection and ascension.
"...And behold, two of them went that same day to a village called Emmaus, which was from Jerusalem about threescore furlongs.  And they talked together of all these things which had happened..."

While they were walking they were joined by the Savior himself but they didn't recognize him. Christ asked them why they were so sad, and they responded with a questions, "Art thou only a stranger in Jerusalem, and hast not known the things which are come to pass there in these days?" They explained the details of the last few days of Christ's life as they continued to walk.

The stranger began to expound scriptures, explaining that these things had been prophesied by many prophets, still they did not recognize Him.

It wasn't until he later sat to eat with them, and blessed and broke the bread that, 'their eyes were opened, and they knew him'.

"And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?"

The Christmas season is now behind us, will we like these men of old quickly forget our time we spent with the Savior? It had only been a few days since he had left but "their eyes were holden that they could not see him." Each of us have drawn closer to our Savior with the Christmas spirit, I know that I have come to know him better from the time I have spent with him. Let us not forget the feelings we have had the the lessons we have learned. "Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked with us by the way." 

Let us cry like Ebenezer Scrooge " I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year."  Let us move into the new year better people because of the things we learned this season.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Coming to know my Savior

"Is not the greatest need in all of the world for every person to have a personal, ongoing, daily, continuing relationship with the Savior?"

This week I have gained a stronger relationship with my Savior through the power of the priesthood.  While at Zone Training I stood in the hallway listening to a simple yet profound testimony of the power of the priesthood. My testimony grew as I listened to this persons expression of gratitude that the priesthood power is given to men to hold in their hands, to act and bless the lives of all those around. The spirit spilled out into the hallway where I stood testifying of the truths he spoke. The priesthood is real, it is powerful enough to create worlds, and personal enough to heal broken hearts. What an amazing gift we have been given!

I have been supported and guided in my mission as I have asked for priesthood blessing regularly. I have struggled to ask for blessings, feeling like something must be wrong if I need a blessing, but I have come to know that these blessings can change my life. Countless prayers have been answered through the simple words declared in my blessings. I have felt guided, protected and watched over with each one. Most importantly I have come to know my Savior better. Through the priesthood I have felt his arms around me, I have heard the precious words that he knows I needed to hear. I have a stronger relationship with Him because of the priesthood power in my life.

I am truly grateful for worthy priesthood holders. These men are humble servants of a Heavenly Father who carry a great responsibility. I'm thankful for their examples of discipleship and their willingness to serve. 

I love my Savior more than I could ever say. Because of Him I have reason to rejoice, I can repent, I can be sealed to my family forever, I can be truly happy. Only He knows the depths of my trials and pains. He is the only one who can offer me peace. Coming to know my Savior more has been the greatest blessing of my mission. My mission has given me a small glimpse into His life as I have walked as his representative. Learning from my Savior gives me the opportunity to see people the way he sees them, the way they may become.

3 Nephi 17:21 and he took their little children, one by one, and blessed them, and prayed unto the Father for them.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Stand in Holy Places

Welcome to Billings! I love this place! 
I have felt very much at home since I arrived in Billings. The people have been wonderful and the scenery in amazing. Dominating the border of the Northern Rims in the Billings temple. Everyday I'm blessed to see it and be reminded that 
God is right here in my neighborhood. 

Growing up in Utah I was used to having temples surrounding me, but I didn't realize how special they were until they were not around. President Monson said, 
"The world can be a challenging and difficult place. We are often surrounded by that which would drag us down. As you and I go to the holy houses of God, as we remember the covenants we make within, we will be more able to bear every trial and to overcome each temptation. In this sacred sanctuary we will find peace; 
we will be renewed and fortified."

Last week I had the opportunity to enter this wonderful place, not to attend a session but to clean. No detail in the Lords house was overlooked. Each volunteer labored with love as they cleaned and repaired the Lords house. I was blessed to work in the Brides Room, cleaning and reassembling an intricate chandelier. My testimony was strengthen as the Spirit reminded me that this room, this beautiful chandelier was just one of the ways God shows his daughters how much he loves them. It is an experience I wont soon forget.

They hymn More Holiness Give me is a cry to the Lord for more. More peace, more, patience, more faith, more purpose. Each of these truly can be found within the walls of every temple. I know that if we will make the temple a priority in our lives we will be blessed with more. Whether its our first time or hundredth, our hearts and lives can be changed. 

More holiness give me,
More strivings within,
More patience in suffering,
More sorrow for sin,
More faith in my Savior,
More sense of his care,
More joy in his service,
More purpose in prayer.

More strength to overcome,
More freedom from earth-stains,
More longing for home.
More fit for the kingdom,
More used would I be,
More blessed and holy--
More, Savior, like thee.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Be Prepared

"When leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints embraced the newly founded Boy Scout movement 100  years ago, it was a decision that would end up blessing the Church, the Boy Scouts of America, and millions of young men and their leaders during the ensuing century/"

Last week I had the chance to watch the 100 years of Scouting celebration broadcast. I was so impressed by the whole thing. I really saw for the first time how scouting could be a missionary tool. With a motto of "Be Prepared", and a slogan of "Do a good turn daily". Its easy to see how this program can help prepare young people to serve our Heavenly Father through out the world.

"Further, we must teach that in doing his duty to God he prepares himself to go on a mission when he is old enough. Every Scouter can lead a boy into receiving this rich gift. This should be a first objective in your Scouting." -S. Dilworth Young

President Monson was rightfully honored for his years of scouting. He recounted a time when his scout leader dropped his troop off in the mountains, charged young President Monson with catching enough fish to feed the boys and then left. He never questioned the charge. He just did his part and caught the fish to feed the troop. It wasn't until he was older that he realized how irresponsible that was of the Scoutmaster, but it was a learning experience.

I fully believe that the Scouting program and the Personal Progress programs are divinely inspired and if used properly can be one of our strongest tools in helping young people prepare to serve there mission.

I know that our Heavenly Father wants us to succeed. He loves us and gives us so many blessing and opportunities to grow and to serve. He truly is a loving Father and if we rely on Him, He can bless us far beyond what we expect.

Monday, October 28, 2013

He will create a God

"What kind of person will you become? By this I do not mean what role in life will you take. I don't mean will you be a cowboy, lawyer, surfer, homemaker, engineer, computer programmer, accountant or the like. I do not refer to what kind of car you will drive; what kind of clothes you will wear; what kind of house you will live in; I mean, when all of that is removed and there you stand alone, who will you be? I mean, you."

This week I read a talk by Lawrence E. Corbridge called The Fourth Missionary. It really touched my heart and taught me a lot about not only serving with all my strength and might but with my heart and mind also. 

"The purpose and central blessing of life is change. It is to be changed to become more like Jesus Christ. This process of change, this process of evolving, becoming, is the object of the gospel. Redemptive change happens by the power of the Holy Ghost. But it happens only if and when your heart is right. It happens only if you do not fight against God. It happens only if you unconditionally surrender your will to the Lord."

Paul taught in 2 Corinthians 9:6:
6. But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.
7. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity:
for God loveth a cheerful giver.

I remember when I first came across this scripture. It must have been a bad day, or worse yet maybe my heart was in a bad way. I remember thinking, "Oh man! It isn't enough that I give and give and give, but now I have to smile when I do it, or it's not any good? What's next? Life blood?" Resentment. Why does God love and want us to become cheerful givers? Is it that He doesn't want any grumps in His house? No, it isn't that He wants a house full of happy campers. Rather it is that you can't be changed to become like him against your will.

"If you're not happy, if you are frustrated or resentful, look inside. It is within you. Jesus said: "The kingdom of God is within you." It is in your head and in your heart. It starts in your head and then your heart follows. You only need say to the Lord in your head, "I give up. I surrender. I won't fight anymore. Here it is. Here are my desires. Here is my will. I want only to do what you want me to do. That's enough for me. That's all 1 want, because it is the only intelligent thing to do."

"The truth is that it doesn't take eons of time to do this. Our nature, our hearts, our desires can be changed almost immediately upon the attainment of knowledge. Our nature can change almost immediately as we come to understand true doctrine. In this instance, as you come to understand that the only way to light, intelligence, strength, capacity, peace, contentment, grace, knowledge, power, happiness, mercy, joy and every other good thing, is to follow Christ, then you will want to follow Him because it is the only intelligent thing to do. Not because you are a saint, not because you are better than others; rather, because you are more intelligent than others. It is the only intelligent thing to do. When you understand that, then you will forget about yourself, and your will. and your only desire will be to do the Lord's will."

"In the end, your heart and your will is all that you have to give that the Lord does not already have. If you give your time, and your strength, you give only that which He grants to you with each beat of your heart and each breath that you draw. If you dedicate your gifts and talents, you only return to Him what He already has given to you. Everything that you have to give to the Lord, has its origin in Him, except one thing: your will. He does not have your heart, nor your mind, unless you give them to Him. It is the only gift you have to offer that He does not already have. And so when you give yourself, you truly give everything to Him."

Just give it up. Surrender your will to Him. Unconditionally. Withhold nothing. Turn it all over to Him; all of your desires, wishes, dreams and hopes. Be true and faithful in your head and in your heart, not just in your behavior. Trust in Him. Trust Him who knows all things. Trust Him who has all power. Trust Him whose love for you is perfect. Trust Him, who alone suffered, paid and atoned for your sins, and for your weaknesses as well. Trust Him that He will make of you, immeasurably more, than what you will ever, ever, in all eternity, make of yourself. He will create of you a masterpiece. You will create of you only a smudge. You will create an ordinary man. He will create a God.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Seek ye first the Kingdom of God

As I prepared for my mission I realized pretty quickly that God was asking me just how much I really loved him. Do I love him more than my Iphone, do I love him more than my car? How about my job or my friends? Do I love him more than I love my family? As my MTC arrival date drew closer I gave up each of my comforts one my one. I was being asked to show God that I would love him above all else.

As a missionary I am put through the same test again and again. Do I love him more than than my comfort zone? Do I love him more than familiarity, or new friends? My life is in constant motion. When life is becoming comfortable and familiar it's time to move onto the next place, or next companion, or new investigators.

This experience has taught me many things about myself, and about the gospel. The biggest lesson I  have learned is to Center my life on Jesus Christ and rely moment to moment on the Holy Ghost. The only true constant any of us have in our lives is the Savior. My mission is a pressure cooker for this kind of experience, but each of us needs to strip away all the excess in our live. We are then left with the ultimate source of comfort and strength, Jesus Christ.

"Grace is not a boaster engine that kicks in once our fuel supply is exhausted. Rather it is our constant energy source. It is not the light at the end of the tunnel but the light that moves us through the tunnel. Grace is not achieved somewhere down the road. It is received right here, right now."

A missionaries job is to become comfortable with being uncomfortable. It has taught me to rely on my Savior. I know that he loves me, and that he will guide my future. He is mindful of each of us, and if we can strip way the clutter we will find him waiting with open arms.

3Nephi 13: 28-33

Saturday, October 12, 2013

I'll go where you want me to go

"There's surely somewhere a lowly place
in Earth's harvest fields so wide,
Where I may labor through life's short days
for Jesus the crucified."
We sang the song "I'll go where you want me to go" in District Meeting this week and the last verse really stuck with me. For the past few months I have had a front row seat to "Earths harvest fields so wide". I've seen the green waves of June turn into the gold of August, and the harvest of September. This verse really did a beautiful job of describing the place I have been blessed to labor. 

Montana really is unique. The people here have such a strong love of God. Each person I meet has a wonderful story full of blessings and experiences that they have had with the Spirit. The people are so kind and down to Earth. This really is God's country and I'm happy to labor here in my missionary work. But the point of the song is that it doesn't matter where you live, Gods work is everywhere.

General Conference was saturated with Member Missionary work, as well as the Oct. Ensign. I take most of my thoughts from these.

"Our task is not insurmountable. We are on the Lords errand; we are entitled to his help".   -Monson

There are two fundamental reasons people return to activity, change their attitudes, habits and actions.  First, someone has shown them their eternal possibilities and helped them decide to achieve them. Second, others return because loved ones follow the admonition of the Savior and "have loved their neighbor as themselves."

My work as a missionary would be nearly impossible without the amazing help I have received from the members of the church.  I have found a true testimony in the vital role members play. There truly is a difference when the members take an interest in the people in their area.

"Full time missionaries help the members with the members missionary work, not vice versa. Members and missionaries are thus partners in bringing the gospel into the lives of those the Lord has prepared."

So how do members fit into the picture of Hastening the Work of Salvation?

-Become true disciples of Jesus Christ 
-Pray for missionary experiences
-Immerse your life in loving and serving those around you
-Comfort a co-worker in need
-Invite a friend to a baptism or other church event
-Help an elderly neighbor with his yard work
-Invite a Less Active Member over for a meal
-Help a neighbor with family history
-Share your testimony with those you care about.

These are all natural, joyful ways to invite Less Active Members and those not of our faith into our lives and conseqently into the light of the gospel.  Success comes by following the inspiration that flows into our minds and hearts and simply inviting others into our gospel-centered lives. 

I am thankful to all the members who have given so much to help me fulfil my calling as a full time missionaries. I pray that each of us can gain a renewed excitement about our missionary work and reach out to our brothers and sisters.

"So trusting my all to thy tender care
and knowing thou lovest me,
I'll do thy will with a heart sincere
I'll be what you want me to be."   

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Serving in His Kingdom

My mission has really given me a love of service. Doing good really can be become an opportunity. 

After Service Tracting for a couple hours this week we were on our way back home to change and continue the rest of our day. I felt like we should stop at one more door and I'm very grateful that we did. After hours of knocking doors we were finally given the service project we had been asking for. 

The next morning we headed over to the house and started racking leaves. It was a big job, a huge yard full of Cottonwood Trees.  I loved it!  Me and Sister Todd had such a blast! The weather was perfect, and the ground was dry so we could just enjoy the fall day. It took several hours but I really did enjoy that chance to "go about doing good".

Serving in God's kingdom is one of the covenants that we all make at baptism. This promise to love and serve our fellowman doesn't have to be a burden, it can truly be a blessing. 
Take the opportunity to do the small things.

"Nobody cares how much you know, until they
 know how much  you care."