Are you afraid to open your mouth and share the gospel? Are you hesitant to bring up your religion around your friends, your co-workers, your family. I can promise you with no reservation that you are not alone. Maybe it's just you and me that find ourselves tongue-tied and terrified when presented with the opportunity to share the gospel...
but somehow I doubt it.
Each of us have heard the call again and again:
"Now is the time for members and missionaries to come together, to work together, to labor in the Lord's vineyard to bring souls unto Him."
Thomas S. Monson
“After all that has been said, the greatest and most important duty is to preach the Gospel” Joseph Smith Jr.
“We will attain our exaltation in the Celestial Kingdom only on the
condition that we share with our Father’s other children the blessings
of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and observe the commandments that will
enrich our lives here and hereafter” George Albert Smith
“Behold, I sent you out to testify and warn the people, and it becometh every man who hath been warned to warn his neighbor.” D&C 88:81
Each of us know what is being asked of us but still we hesitate. Some even hesitate to pray for missionary experiences because they are afraid they might receive one! Who is guilty of this? Do you trust that your Father in Heaven knows you and knows how to answer your prayers?
“Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone? “Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent? If
ye … know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more
shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask
him?” Matthew 7:7-11.
"Fear will be replaced with faith and confidence
when members and the full-time missionaries kneel in prayer and ask the
Lord to bless them with missionary opportunities. Then, we must
demonstrate our faith and watch for opportunities to introduce the
gospel of Jesus Christ to our Heavenly Father’s children, and surely
those opportunities will come."
"We are not asking everyone to do everything. We are simply asking all
members to pray, knowing that if every member, young and old, will reach
out, millions will feel the love of the Lord Jesus Christ.... May I suggest that we can all be more consistently involved in
missionary work by replacing our fear with real faith, inviting someone
at least once a quarter—or four times every year—to be taught by the
full-time missionaries." M. Russell Ballard
Did anyone else do a double take at that comment this last general conference, or was that just me? Every member challenged to invite someone at least once a quarter to be taught by the full-time missionaries. How is that even possible?
"I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them." 1Nephi 3:7
Is he a prophet or not? Is this a commandment from the Lord or not?
Make the decision to do what Jesus Christ has asked you to do!
Four new investigators a year are not going to fall into your lap while you sit on your couch watching Dr. Phil. God is asking us to stand with Him, to join the fight. This is going to require PRAYER, PLANNING, PATIENCE, PERSISTENCE, and PREACH MY GOSPEL
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"To help in the process, I invite all members, regardless of your current calling or level of activity in the Church, to obtain a copy of Preach My Gospel... this is a guidebook for missionary work--which means it is a guidebook for all of us." M. Russell Ballard
I can testify that our prophet speaks for God. I can testify that your Savior is asking you to stand with Him, to witness for Him. Each member of the church made solemn sacred covenants when we were baptized to do this. We promised to take upon ourselves His name, to stand as Him witness,
are you keeping your promise?
I know that opening your mouth can be scary. I can personally testify that it is intimidating and nerve wracking and absolutely wonderful! President Monson said, "Remember that all men have their fears, but those who face their fears with faith have courage as well." In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.