Tuesday, April 8, 2014

I Have Given You An Example

Think of the person in your life that has influenced you the very most. What did they do? Why was their influence felt stronger than others? How has your life changed because of them?

Richard G. Scott spoke of a few people in his life that were tender influences that aided his path to eternal progression. God blessed him with people who loved him enough to guide him in the right direction.

When speaking of his Grandmother he said, “I don’t remember the specifics of what she said but what she did that stirred something within my heart… In every appropriate way she helped us find the gospel.”

What is the appropriate way? Christ said “Do as I have done unto you.”

Later he said, “Mostly I knew that she loved me and loved the gospel… her righteous influence changed the direction of my life for eternal good.”

His family and friends loved him enough to share their conviction of how the gospel would bless his life and then gave him the opportunity to work out the direction of his own life.  Nobody chorused him or made him feel bad about the person he was, they simply loved him and loved Father in Heaven.

How can we become such an influence to those around us? 

1st We must sincerely love those we want to help in righteousness so they can begin to develop confidence in God’s love. This trust in a God who loves us perfectly can be difficult to develop. It’s easier when they have family and friends who love them in a similar way.

Show your interest in their well-being, and then share your testimony of Jesus Christ.

Ask them questions that make them think and then allow them sufficient time, Days, hours, months, maybe years, to ponder and seek the answers on their own.

They need to know that we love them and want what’s best for them.

2nd As a companion to that love, Trust them.  It may seem difficult but find some way. The children of Father in Heaven can do amazing things when they feel trusted. Every child in mortality chose the Saviors plan, trust that given the opportunity they will do so again.

3rd Remember we all grow line upon line. You have followed that same pattern

Keep your sharing of the gospel simple. Your personal testimony of the Atonement of Jesus Christ is a powerful tool.

Concentrate on this: The Atonement of Jesus Christ makes possible our becoming more like our Father in Heaven so we can live together eternally in our family units. There is no doctrine more fundamental to our work then the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

The greatest example who ever walked the earth is the savior Jesus Christ

His mortal ministry is filled with, Teaching, serving and loving others. He sat with individuals who were judged to be unworthy, He loved each of them. He discerned their needs and taught them His gospel. He invites us to follow His perfect example. 

Remember to do as He has done by share our love, trust and knowledge with other who have not yet embraced the brilliant light of the gospel.

I love General Conference and I felt the Holy Ghost confirm truth to my heart and I heard the words of Elder Richard G. Scott this weekend. I pray that each of us can strive to be a little more like our Savior as we share the most important thing with have with our friends in LOVE AND TRUST!

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