Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Suprising Science Behind "Supremely Happy" People

I read an article on the Church News that really fasinated me and I thought I would share a brief overview:
It is a fact, human beings want to be happy, They cannot get rid of that pursuit. Type in ‘happiness’ on and you’ll find 2,000 books on happiness.

Statistics show that one in four people struggle with depression in the United States, It is a common thing, but we treat it as if it is some sort of stigma. We don’t do that with diabetes and think that person must not be spiritual, or that a person with cancer must be sinning.

Sometimes a normal day consists of challenges. Boyde K. Packer, President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles said: “It was meant to be that life would be a challenge. To suffer some anxiety, some depression, some disappointment, even some failure is normal. Teach our members that if they have a good, miserable day once in a while, or several in a row, to stand steady and face them. Things will straighten out. There is great purpose in our struggle in life”(That All May Be Edified [1982], 94).
What can we do? How can we help ourselves? Kate Bratskeir, a happiness researcher, took data from multiple happiness studies from the past 40 years and put together a list of what she called “The Habits of Supremely Happy People,”

Ten things that supremely happy people do:

1.       Happy people surround themselves with other happy people. Joy is contagious. People are four times more likely to be happy in the future with happy people around them.

2.       Happy people try to be happy. When happy people don’t feel happy, they cultivate a happy thought and smile about it.

3.       Happy people spend money more on others than they spend on themselves. Givers experience what scientists call the “helper’s high.”

4.       Happy people have deep in-person conversations. Sitting down to talk about what makes a person tick is a good practice for feeling good about life.

5.       Happy people use laughter as a medicine. A good old-fashioned chuckle releases lots of good neurotransmitters. A study showed that children on average laugh 300 times a day versus adults who laugh 15 times a day.

6.       Happy people use the power of music. Researchers found that music can match the anxiety-reducing effects of massage therapy.

7.       Happy people exercise and eat a healthful diet. Eating a poor diet can contribute to depression.

8.       Happy people take the time to unplug and go outside. Uninterrupted screen time brings on depression and anxiety.

9.       Happy people get enough sleep. When people run low on sleep, they are prone to feel a lack of clarity, bad moods, and poor judgment.

10.   Happy people are spiritual.

I know that this life can be hard, that depression is a real problem that many of our loved ones face every single day. I also know that sometimes those same challenges and hardships are exactly what we need in order to grow and become more like Jesus Christ. Don't pray away your trials. Accept them, learn from them! He will be there with you as you strive to become more like him. I love you all, and so does He.

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